Donate to Save a Life In Gaza & the West Bank

Donate to Save a Life In Gaza & the West Bank
Gaza and the West Bank are facing a devastating humanitarian crisis. The lack of access to medical supplies like tourniquets, due to the ongoing Israeli-led blockade, is particularly alarming. Tourniquets play a crucial role in emergency medical care, especially in situations where individuals are faced with severe bleeding and require immediate attention. The limited availability of such essential medical supplies in Gaza and the West Bank further exacerbates the consequences of injuries sustained during conflicts, leading to an unnecessary increase in mortality rates.
The Glia Gaza team has engineered a robust, innovative 3D printed tourniquet, first deployed during the 2018 Great March of Return, which has saved hundreds of lives during times of conflict. It is designed for easy application by a trained professional and, unlike most leading commercial tourniquets, can successfully control severe bleeding on smaller limbs, including those of women and children. Because Glia’s tourniquet can be locally manufactured in massive quantities, the Gaza team can ensure a steady supply of tourniquets and eliminate dependence on imports.
Glia Gaza needs your help. Your donation goes toward producing tourniquets in Gaza, thus easing the suffering of countless individuals and providing a lifeline during their time of greatest need. Your generous contribution will enable us to source local materials, manufacture, and distribute tourniquets swiftly to where they are needed most: first responders and emergency rooms. Your donation will directly save lives, offering hope and a chance at survival to the people of Gaza.
Learn about the history of the Glia Tourniquet Project.