Volunteer: Showcase Glia's 2023 Successes in a Year-End Report
Glia is dedicated to making a positive impact through innovative device projects, strategic grant submissions, and impactful funding campaigns. We are seeking a creative individual to help us capture and showcase our achievements in 2023 through a year-end report. We encourage creativity and flexibility in presenting the information – it could be a concise one-page summary or a visually engaging multi-slide slideshow.
As a volunteer for this role, you will collaborate with key personnel from Glia. This will include conducting short, informal interviews with various team members to gain a deeper understanding of the specific details related to projects, grant submissions, and campaigns in 2023. It will be important to consider the presentation as this information should be in a format that resonates effectively with diverse audiences, such as previous and past donors and collaborators.
Interested in seizing this opportunity?
Simply fill in the form below to take the next step!
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